jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011

Children talk about love - Listening exercise

Children are probably some of the most difficult people to understand, not because of the vocabulary they use, but because they're learning to speak themselves. So here you have a bit of a challenge, related to emotions and relationships.

What do kids think about marriage?
Before listening:
1.- Do you remember what you used to think about marriage?
2.- What’s wrong in these expressions? There’s one that is correct.
I got married with John                     I finally got divorce.                          
I can’t marry he.                                He’s getting divorce of Anne.
Enjoy life before you tie the knot.     At long last he gave her the “yes, I want”.
Watch the video and answer the following questions:
1.- On a romantic date you should eat_______________________________
2.- What’s love?

3.- Who are the people they love? Choose the options they mention.
My baby doll                          my family                               my dad
My dog                                   my mum                                 my cat
My friends                              my baby brother                   
4.- How do these kids show that they love somebody?

5.- How does one boy know that he likes his girlfriend?

6.- Why doesn’t one girl want to have a boyfriend?
7.- How does one girl know her parents are in love?
8.- What could/should people do when they have a broken heart?

9.- What kind of person do these kids want to marry?

10.- What do they like about St. Valentine’s Day?

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